(Of these three, it's really the last one that's the issue. But I like to try and justify it somehow.)
So while I can't promise this with any great scheduled regularity, I will try. For my first two magazines I have learnt:
- There's a lot more to tractors than I had thought.
- There's about as much depth of journalistic investigative writing in a shopping magazine for kids as I had thought.
- Even I, who broke my intention to have a "frugal baby" within about 2 seconds of falling pregnant, have my limits from the "aww that's cute" to the "holy mother of batman that is ridiculous" and those limits are way way before the $1600 family death trap - I mean family bucket bike.
- Going to the Murrambateman field day and recognising the difference between the Massey Fergusons and the John Deeres makes me feel like I fit in.
- The number one difference between Massey Fergusons and John Deeres that I know is one type is red and the other green. I said I felt like I fit in, not that I actually did.
- And finally - babies and baby tractors? A winning combination.
New magazine tomorrow - it's been bought and it's a ripper. Never before have I felt slightly ashamed to be buying a magazine... (And no, it wasn't in a brown paper cover.)
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