Very fond. The chart option on Excel has a lot to answer for.
Inspired, I decided to join in the fun.
The labels are probably too small to see, unless you move your face about half an inch away from the screen and squint. I just tried that and I still can't really read them, plus I have a headache - so I wouldn't recommend that course of action.
Each of the colours is the magazines we've had so far. UFOlogist is green, Shop 4 Kids is red and in a completely unsuitable turn of events, Classic Tractor is neither John Deere green or Massey Ferguson red but is stuck with blue.
The categories are, from bottom to top, Craziness, Educational Value and Enjoyment of Activities. So Classic Tractor was a low craziness (even with the sombrero-wheel-tractor-paint-fumes debacle), high educational value and relatively high enjoyment (mostly because of Toby's toy tractors).
UFOlogist, you may notice, actually wins the enjoyment of activities category. Why? Well, what better thing to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon with your 11 month old than make tin foil hats?
That's right, nothing.
Love the latest choice of magazine! I'm thoroughly enjoying your blog.